• Fraud protection through collaboration

    At Auriemma Roundtables, we help users access fraud prevention expertise. The largest banks in North America depend on our platform to learn from one another and develop best practices in protecting their customers and their balance sheets from bank and debit card fraud. Now, we’re offering those insights to small, community and midsize institutions.

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  • Overview

    As fraudsters come up with increasingly innovative tactics, institutions are faced with the challenge of staying one step ahead of the newest schemes. Bad actors target small and midsize banks and credit unions, exposing them to what can be catastrophic financial and reputational risks. Auriemma Roundtables focuses on developing industry best practices that help combat:

    • Check inclearing fraud
    • Deposit fraud
    • Zelle and other third-party payment apps
    • ACH payments
    • New accounts

    Our studies and operational data paint a picture of how leading organizations address fraud. With monthly and quarterly benchmarking studies, the data is never out of date, allowing users to depend on our insights as they respond to new and evolving threats.


    Through Auriemma Roundtables, small and midsize institutions can access business intelligence data once only available to the largest firms. The information can be transformative, with 93% using the data to inform changes to their fraud prevention strategies.

  • What to expect from Auriemma Roundtables benchmarking data

    For smaller institutions, the stakes are high: The same attack that could be absorbed by an organization with many billions in assets might threaten the viability of a smaller bank. Also at risk is the reputation and goodwill that small and midsize banks have worked to foster. Benchmarking data through Auriemma Roundtables can help your institution establish better fraud detection and prevention strategies that protect both the brand and the balance sheet.


    Benefits include:

    • Access to industry-wide data, with the ability to focus in on peer groups
    • Metrics that illuminate critical areas of fraud prevention operations
    • Data robust enough to identify trends that speak to developing threats
    • Interactive reporting to visually dive into your results
  • Features

    Timely: We carry out benchmarking studies every quarter, so they are never out of date.


    Comprehensive: Auriemma Roundtables serves the largest credit and debit card companies in North America – our data represents what’s happening on the leading edge of fraud prevention.


    Small-to-Midsized Banks Peer Segment Includes:

    Credit Unions

    Small Community Bank: < $500M

    Large Community Bank: $500M-$999M

    Midsize Banks: $1B-$9.9B


    Exclusive: We get our benchmarking data directly from our lender members.

  • Partial List of Metrics

  • Ready for next steps?

    Enrollment is easy. Sign up for exclusive business intelligence in just a few steps.


    Want to learn more? Enrollment is just a few quick steps. You can also download our brochure for more information about how Auriemma Roundtables’ benchmarking data can make a difference for your fraud prevention practices. Our team is also available to answer any questions you may have.

  • Contact Us & Download Brochure